Hotéis Perto De Hospital Municipal Dr Alexandre Zaio A Poucos Passos

hotéis perto de hospital municipal dr alexandre zaio a poucos passos

In times of need, having a nearby hotel can make all the difference for patients and their families. When it comes to an important hospital like Municipal Dr. Alexandre Zaio Hospital, having accommodation options nearby can alleviate some of the stress and provide comfort and tranquility during the stay. In this article, we will explore … Read more

AXA ddos asiabased frenchsharmableepingcomputer

axa ddos asiabased frenchsharmableepingcomputer

The branches of insurance giant AXA in South-East Asia has been hit by a ransomware attack. In case you don’t know, the ransomware attack was claimed by Avaddon ransomware group. The group declared that they had stolen 3 TB of sensitive data from the Asian operations of AXA. The authorities also observed the ongoing DDoS … Read more

Fort Ross Ventures funds $200M to help in the expansion of US startups to Russia

fort ross ventures 65mwiggersventurebeat

We all know that the relationship between the United States and Russia is not that good at the present moment. However, one venture capital firm wants to assist the US companies to expand to Russia. Fort Ross Ventures is the venture capital firm of Russia. Recently, it announced that it had closed a $200 million … Read more

Blockchainbased INX raised 125m secapprovedchavezdreyfussreuters

blockchainbased 125m secapprovedchavezdreyfussreuters

The blockchain global trading giant, which deals in cryptocurrency and digital securities, INX Ltd., expects to raise $125 million in security and equity offering. Its first-ever security offering is $85 million, which it has collected from several retail and 7200 institutional investors. It is an increase to the previous token price of $7.5 million with … Read more

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