What Companies Are in the Basic Industries Field

The Basic Industries field is a vast array of different industries that you can work within. The number of different industries that you can choose from is almost limitless. So how do you know what industry to choose? Well, that is the question that I have been asking myself for a while now. I have been trying to figure out what companies are in the Basic Industries field.

The good news is that there are many different industries that you can choose from. The bad news is that there are many different industries that you can choose from. After doing some research, I have found that there are about 1,200 different companies that are in the Basic Industries field. So, this post is going to tell you all about what companies are in the Basic Industries field.

What Are Basic Industries?

The term “basic industries” refers to the companies that produce the raw materials that others use to make more products. A basic industry is one that produces raw materials for others to use in order to create something else. Companies in the Basic Industries field include companies that produce natural gas, oil, coal, and timber.

6 Types of companies in the basic industries field

There are five types of companies in the basic industries field:

  1. Oil companies
  2. Coal companies
  3. Timber companies
  4. Mining companies
  5. Steel companies
  6. Manufacturing companies

Oil companies:

A First type of company in the basic industries field is an oil company. An oil company is a business that extracts oil from a source such as a well. Oil is a substance that can be burned to provide energy. It is found in places like the Earth’s surface. It is often mixed with other substances to form a liquid called crude oil.

Coal companies:

Coal companies: The Basic Industries Field

Coal companies are companies that produce coal. It is a fossil fuel that has been around since ancient times. Coal is made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. It is a very large resource of energy. The biggest problem with coal is that it burns slowly.

This causes a lot of pollution. Coal is sometimes used as a way to produce electricity. This is done by using coal to make steam. The steam then powers a turbine to make electricity.

Timber companies:

Timber companies are companies that harvest timber. It is another resource that has been around for a long time. It comes from trees. Logging is a method of harvesting timber. It is also a method of producing paper. There are many different kinds of trees, including pine, maple, oak, birch, cedar, and spruce.

Mining companies:

A mining company is one that extracts materials from the ground and sells those materials. Some examples of mining companies are coal companies, gold companies, and iron ore companies.

Steel companies:

A steel company is one that creates and sells steel and related products. Some examples of steel companies are building-supply companies and railroad companies.

Manufacturing companies:

A manufacturing company is one that creates new products from raw materials and combines those materials with other products to create a finished product. Examples of manufacturing companies are food processing companies, beverage companies, car companies, and machine companies.

Prominent Companies in Basic Industries

Prominent Companies in Basic Industries

ExxonMobil Corporation:

ExxonMobil is a global energy giant engaged in oil, gas, and petrochemical businesses. With a rich history and extensive operations, it’s a cornerstone of the energy sector.

BHP Group:

BHP Group is a leading mining company, specializing in the extraction of minerals and resources essential for economic growth. It operates on a global scale, contributing significantly to the supply chain.

Dow Inc.:

Dow is a multinational chemical corporation that produces a wide range of chemicals, plastics, and agricultural products. Its innovative solutions are integral to various industries.

Chevron Corporation:

Chevron is another major player in the energy sector, involved in the exploration, production, and distribution of oil, gas, and geothermal energy. Its operations span across continents.

Rio Tinto:

Rio Tinto stands out in the mining industry, producing essential materials like iron ore, aluminum, copper, and diamonds. Its operations uphold high standards of sustainability and responsibility.

What is the difference between a basic industry and a non-basic industry?

A basic industry is an industry that provides the raw materials needed to produce goods. A non-basic industry is an industry that does not provide the raw materials needed to produce goods.

What are some of the best companies in the basic industries field?

Some of the best companies in the basic industries field are The Boeing Company Caterpillar Inc. General Electric Company Ford Motor Company DuPont Chevron Corporation Intel Corporation McDonald’s Microsoft Corporation AT&T Pfizer Coca-Cola Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Target Corporation Bank of America Chase Manhattan Corporation Citigroup Wells Fargo & Company United Parcel Service, Inc. Procter & Gamble Kimberly-Clark Visa Inc.

How do basic industries impact the economy?

Basic industries contribute to economic growth, job creation, and the development of various other industries.


The basic industry sector forms the bedrock of modern economies, providing the essential materials and energy needed for progress. From energy production to mining, these industries are instrumental in shaping the world. As companies navigate challenges and embrace innovation, the future of basic industries looks promising.